
KWADRON Cartridge System Combat 0.30mm SEM - Soft Edge Magnum - 1pc

Combat Magnum by Kamil Mocet is the largest magnum cartridge of such high quality available in the tattoo world. Using expert knowledge and experience, we have created a product with excellent utility values and, above all, quality unattainable by other brands. 

One box contains 16 cartridges, price on a page for a single cartridge.  

  • Producător: Kwadron
  • Codul produsului: CKD362-39
  • stare: Disponibil
4,31 €
(inclusiv 0,81 € TVA)
4,31 €
(inclusiv 0,81 € TVA)
Pentru acest produs vei primi: 16 vineri


Soft Edge Magnum is the preferred type of needles for most shading jobs. The cartridges due to their design and have great Inkflow, which makes them ideal for packing color over larger areas and for shading large areas of skin. With the Magnum cartridges, fewer passes over an area are needed to pound the paint, which means less stress on the skins. This translates into faster tattoo healing and a better end result. Because of their "curved" shape, curved magnums allow the tattooed colors to blend seamlessly without creating marked edges of color. This effect is perfect for creating a blurred background, an effect similar to photographic bokeh,blending and blending colors with a soft transition. With Kwadron Soft Edge Magnum you will make the edges of the image "blur" on the skin, instead of being outlined.  


"I've been in the tattoo business for over 23 years, during that time I've been able to explore and try different styles. Recently I wanted to take a step forward and work more efficiently - that's how we created COMBAT MAGNUMS with Kwadron." - Kamil Mocet. By arranging the needle blades in the cartridge in an arc, a so-called "mist" is created during shading, i.e. a more intense color in the center and a shadow cast on the outside. Ideal for creating tonal, smooth transitions and fade effects. 


The advanced and automated technological process used in the production of KWADRON cartridges guarantees that each cartridge is equally perfect. Our cartridges have a unique needle stabilization system that ensures their durability and optimal performance. The cartridges' housing is made of medical-grade plastic, reducing friction between the needle and the housing to a minimum, while the needles themselves retain their sharpness. 

Kwadron Cartridge System

Unul dintre factorii fundamentali care au condus la crearea cartusului KWADRON a fost dorința de a oferi un produs cu cele mai mari valori de utilitate și, mai presus de toate, cea mai înaltă calitate de neatins pentru alte mărci. Folosind cunoștințele și experiența profesională, urmărind tendințele și ascultând artiștii tatuatori, am creat un cartus perfect adaptat nevoilor clienților noștri. Kwadron Cartridge este liderul mondial de necontestat.

Din ce sunt făcute cartușele Kwadron?

Procesul tehnologic extrem de avansat și automatizat utilizat în producerea cartuşelor KWADRON garantează că fiecare dintre ele este la fel de perfect. Cartușele noastre au un sistem unic de stabilizare a acului care le asigură durabilitatea și performanța optimă. Carcasa cartușului este realizată din plastic medical, ceea ce reduce frecarea dintre ac și carcasă la minimum, în timp ce acele în sine își păstrează ascuțimea. Datorită tuturor acestor caracteristici, cartușele Kwadron sunt extrem de precise și au lame rigide și concentrate. Perfect pentru orice tehnică sau stil. Obțineți mai mult cu cartușele Kwadron!

Soft Edge Magnum
0.30 mm
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