

Join us at the Tattoo Conference Kwadron 1.0 to be held on November 16, 2024 at the Ferreus Modern Art Deco Hotel in Krakow, Poland. This is a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge, network and be inspired by the best in the tattoo industry!  

The conference is scheduled for 90 participants, so don't delay in buying your ticket!   

Take advantage of the ongoing promotion and reserve your seat at a lower price! The number of promotional tickets is limited, so act fast.  

The conference will be hosted in Polish. 

  • Termelő:
  • Termékkód: S14-1_MAIN_2
  • Állapot: Nincs raktáron
324,75 €
(beleértve a 60,73 € áfát)
324,75 €
(beleértve a 60,73 € áfát)
Ennél a terméknél a következőket kapja: 1296 Péntek

Értesítés az elérhetőségről

Our speakers and the topics of their speeches

Techniques for obtaining specific details in tattoos

Sergey Butenko, known for his precision and ability to create incredibly detailed tattoos, will share his proven techniques to achieve realistic results.

You can check out Sergey's work here

Secrets of a delicate tattoo

Karolina Szymanska specializes in delicate, minimalist tattoos. In her talk she will reveal the secrets of working with fine lines, colors and patterns that require extreme precision and delicacy. Learn how to create subtle works on the skin that win the hearts of clients around the world.

You can check out Karolina's work here

Anime Tattoos: From Inspiration to Color

Adam Rzychu, a specialist in anime tattooing, will share his experiences and techniques that make his tattoos stand out with their vivid colors and dynamic effects. During his presentation, he will discuss how to choose the right anime motifs to transfer them to the client\'s skin and how to combine different techniques.

You can check out Adam's work here

Tattoo Cooperation: How to prepare, create a project and choose a team?

Katarzyna Dumka will share her experience in collaborating with other tattoo artists at tattoo conventions. She will discuss how to best prepare for joint projects, how to effectively communicate with other artists to create a coherent and unique project, and how to select collaborators to ensure the highest quality. Her tips will help you better understand how to work as a team at conventions and how to use cooperation to create exceptional works.

You can check out Kejti's work here

Részletek hamarosan

Michał Wurszt, aki a tetoválás tervezésének tökéletes megközelítéséről ismert, megmondja, hogyan illesztheti a mintát az ügyfél testének anatómiájához. Michał megosztja technikáit és tapasztalatait a test formájával harmonizáló formatervezésben, kiemelve annak természetes vonalait és arányait. Megtanulja, hogyan kell olyan tetoválást tervezni, amely nem csak esztétikus, hanem tökéletesen alkalmazkodik minden ember egyedi fizikai tulajdonságaihoz. Michał azt is elárulja, hogyan kerülheti el a hibákat, és hogyan érhet el olyan hatást, amely minden szempontból nagyszerűnek tűnik.\n Michał munkáit itt tekintheti meg

How to create an original tattoo design

Alex Zakharov, a specialist in realistic tattoos, will show you how to create unique designs that stand out from the crowd. He will share his creative process, from inspiration to finalization. During the presentation, Alex will show you his techniques in Procreate, demonstrating how he creates detailed sketches and unique tattoo designs that are stunning in their realism and precision.

You can check out Alex's work here

Conference schedule

8:30 Conference room opening

9:00 START 

09:15 - 10:00 Sergey Butenko “Techniques for obtaining specific details in tattoos”  

10:30 - 11:15 Karolina Szymanska “The secrets of fine tattooing”

11:45 - 12:30 Adam Rzychu “Anime Tattoos: From Inspiration to Color”  

12:45 - 15:00 Lunch / Photo session with speakers and participants

15:10 - 16:05 Kejti Dumka “Tattoo Cooperation: How to prepare, create a project and choose a team?”

16:30 - 17:15 Details coming soon

17:45 - 18:30 Alex Zakharov “Creating original tattoo designs using Procreate”

19:10 - 20:00 Q&A panel with all speakers

20:20 Closing of the conference

Your entrance fee includes:

- Full access to all lectures, talks and panel discussions by leading experts in the tattoo industry. This is a unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and gain new skills from the best in the industry. 

- A certificate as a thank you for attending the conference, confirming your participation in the event and gaining new knowledge and experience. 

- A gift from Kwadron that is sure to make your stay at the conference more enjoyable.

- Something to eat: lunch, snacks and coffee breaks

Special offer from the Hotel for participants: 20% discount on the password “KWADRON” when booking a room through direct contact with the Hotel. 

For more information, feel free to contact us on Instagram:kwadron_workshop

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